Why We Watch
By Dr. John F. Walvoord
About one-fourth of the Bible was predictive when it was written, and
obviously divine revelation is intended to alert us of future events with the
intent of preparing believers for the events before they happen. Prophecy
was never intended to be a contentious subject for people to argue over, but
rather a practical subject to alert people to prepare for God's future plan.
Much has been lost by misunderstanding and neglect of the prophetic
How Can Prophecy Be Correctly Understood?
In the history of the interpretation of the prophetic portions of the Bible, it is
tragic that so many have misunderstood what the Bible teaches. This is first
of all evident in the revelation in the Old Testament of the first and second
coming of Christ. Though specifics of His coming to die, as well as His
coming to reign are given in Scripture accurately as the writers were guided
by the Holy Spirit, there is no evidence that anyone understood that there
would be two comings, a first coming in which Christ would suffer and die
and a second coming in which He would gloriously reign. Jewish interpreters
of the Bible wrestled with this and were unable to come to a satisfactory
solution. The tendency was, however, to gloss over the passages dealing
with suffering and to emphasize the glorious prophecies of Christ's reign on
earth such as is found in Psalm 2,72, and 89, and Isaiah 2, 11, 65, and 66, to
name a few.
Expectation was high in Israel that when the Messiah came, He would deliver
them from the oppression of the Roman Empire and
exalt Israel to be a leading nation of the world over whom the Messiah would
reign in fulfilling the Old Testament prophecies. It is unquestionably true that
the disciples followed Christ anticipating His glorious reign not His
sufferings and death. If they had understood Christ's sufferings as preceding
His glory, it is questionable whether they would have followed Christ but
apparently nobody in the gospel period, except Christ himself understood
that there would be a first coming in which He would suffer and die and a
second coming in which He would reign gloriously.
In following Christ, the disciples confidently expected that He would exalt
Israel and give them places of authority and honor. This was confirmed by
the statement that they would sit on the throne judging the 12 tribes of Israel
(Matt. 19:27-28). Christ made it plain that this would be when He sat on His
throne of glory but they did not understand that this had to follow His
second coming, not His first.
As the time approached when Christ would be crucified, they were repeatedly
warned that Jesus would be crucified, die and be resurrected (Matt. 16:21-22;
17:22-23; 20:17-19; Mark 8:31-33; 9:30-32; 10:32-33; Luke 9:22,44-45; 18:31-34).
The disciples did not receive this announcement with understanding, and so
thoroughly erased it from their minds that when Christ actually died, they did
not remember His predictions or that He would rise from the dead. By
contrast, His enemies remembered and sealed the tomb and sent the soldiers
to prevent anyone stealing His body and claim that He was resurrected. It is
doubtful that the disciples ever really understood that there was a first
coming in which He suffered and died separated by a long time period before
His second coming until actually they saw Christ ascending to heaven (Acts
1). That reinforced that His sufferings and death were past and His second
coming would feature His glorious reign.
This misunderstanding concerning the difference between the first and
second coming and the time interval between is perpetuated in the New
Testament in the confusion over whether the second coming includes the
rapture or whether the rapture is an earlier event separated from the second
coming by a time period.
In the history of the church, it was recognized that the Rapture, the truth that
Christ was coming for His saints, is presented as an imminent event but that
the Second Coming had certain very specific prophecies that had to be
fulfilled first. They struggled with this and the Early Church fathers
frequently on one page would say that He
could come any day and on the next page that something had to happen first
without resolving the problem. There is no clear record of the concept that
the Rapture and the Second Coming are two events until the emergence of
Ephraem of Nisibis (306-373). A prolific writer, he was copied by others who
claimed to be him who stated that the elect will be gathered before the
Tribulation and taken to be with the Lord. Though controversy raises some
question about this quotation, it seems that there were a few who caught the
idea that the Rapture was a separate event. Later this was given widespread
interpretation in the Bible conference movement of the nineteenth and
twentieth centu- ries. Accordingly, the idea of a pre-Tribulation Rapture
separated from the Second Coming by probably more than seven years has
been followed by a large number of premillennial interpreters.
From a practical standpoint, however, if Christ is not coming before the
Tribulation, His coming is not imminent because obviously there is still
Tribulation ahead and prophecies to be fulfilled before the Second Coming. If
however, the Rapture is before these events, then it takes on the concept of
an imminent return which many believe the Bible teaches. The question of
looking for the Lord's return however is therefore preceded by other
questions which must resolve the problem of the place in the future events
that the rapture of the Church occupies.
Causes for Confusion in Prophetic Interpretation
Because of widespread disagreement as to when the Rapture occurs and
what its true nature is, a great deal of confusion is evident in prophetic
literature. Many books have been written describing in graphic terms the
great Tribulation, climaxing in the second coming of Christ as if the world is
already in the process, often totally ignoring the passages dealing with the
Rapture. If the Rapture precedes the Tribulation it becomes one of the most
prominent, important prophecies which a believer today can understand.
The cause for confusion goes back in the history of the Old Testament as has
been previously mentioned, in which the first and Second Coming were
considered one event. There is a similar confusion with the Rapture and the
Second Coming today. The immediate cause however was the rise of non-
literal interpretation of prophecy due to the influence of a school of theology
which sprang up in Egypt to Alexandria about A.D. 190. They attempted to
harmonize the Scripture with a pure idealism of Plato and the only way this
was possible was by taking the entire Scripture as a great allegory and not
interpreted literally. The Early Church rose up and defended the
interpretation of grammatical, literal, and historical interpretation and for the
most part succeeded in erasing the non-literal interpretation from most areas
of theology. Because eschatology is different in depending on future
fulfillment, they were less successful in this and the result was that
premillennialism was largely put aside in favor of amillennialism, namely the
teaching that we were already in the millennium or at least that there was
going to be no literal millennium following the second coming of Christ. This
became the predominant doctrine of the church and was standardized
somewhat by Augustine in the fourth and fifth centuries and it became the
accepted doctrine of both the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant
reformers. Obviously, the matter of the Rapture could not be studied or
clarified until the issue of whether the premillennial view was correct or not.
This did not occur until the last few centuries when the Bible conference
movement rescued premillennialism from this obscurity and made it one of
the prominent doctrines of conservative Christianity today. If there is a literal
Millennium then there is also a literal Tribulation and the concept of the
church going through this as those who deny the pre-Tribulation Rapture
hold, becomes far less tenable.
In the history of the Church, the doctrine of the literal Second Coming is
incorporated in a] I of our major creeds whether Protestant, Roman Catholic,
or Greek Orthodox, and for this reason even the secular world understands
that Christ said that He would bodily come again to judge the world as these
doctrinal statements declare. While this is a clear interpretation of prophecy
literally, confusion arises when the events which lead up to it are not taken
literally and the events that follow are not taken literally as is true particularly
of the amillennial point of view.
There has been considerable development in this since World War II,
because prior to this it was customary for the amillennialist to ignore the
Tribulation completely as something that has already been fulfilled in the
sufferings of the Church. After World War II, they made a complete U turn
and recognized that there is a time of Tribulation preceding the Second
Coming and so took away the doctrine of imminency of the second coming of
Christ. It also made less tenable the idea that the Church could go through
this period of trial unscathed. This was accomplished by watering down the
Tribulation and taking it in less than its full description as it is portrayed in
the Bible prophecies of the end times.
The Rapture as Presented in the Bible
The rapture of the Church is a New Testament doctrine not found in the Old
Testament. There is no indication in the Old Testament that God would take a
whole generation of believers out of the world prior to the final time of
trouble. The first indication of this is found in John 14 the night before His
crucifixion when Christ announced that He would come back to take His
disciples to the Father's house. This was incomprehensible to the disciples
who were looking for a kingdom on earth and was not explained until later
when the apostle Paul was given special revelation on this subject. This
became part of his missionary message and, as in the case of the
Thessalonians, he preached not only the death and resurrection of Christ but
also the fact that Christ promised to come back to take His church to heaven.
As presented in I Thessalonians 4, it was given to the Thessalonians as an
imminent event and something that would end their bereavement for loved
ones who had died.
The Thessalonians apparently had followed Paul's teaching on the Rapture
so closely that they anticipated the Rapture could occur at any time. When
some of their number died however, this presented anew problem as to when
they would see their loved ones again. There were some apparently who
postulated that there might be a delay and though this is not clear, they may
have had in mind that they would not be resurrected until the Second
Coming which would climax the Tribulation. When this problem of
interpretation was brought to Paul's attention by Timothy, he wrote I
Thessalonians and described in detail what would happen when the Rapture
occurs. A careful study of I Thessalonians 4:13-18 reveals the Rapture as an
imminent event.
Verse 13 indicates that God wants us to know the wonderful hope we have in
Christ. In verse 14, he states that the Rapture is just as sure as the death and
resurrection of Christ even though it is still future. He further states that on
the occasion of the Rapture, God would bring back from heaven the souls of
Christians to the earthly sphere who have died, because He would resurrect
their bodies and the soul will re-enter the body. The exact process is
described in verse 15-17 in these words:
For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with
a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the
trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then
we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together
with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus
we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one
another with these words (I Thess. 4:15-18;NKJ).
The order of events involve Christ descending bodily from heaven to the air
above the earth, His shout of command ordering Christians who have died to
be resurrected and living Christians to be instantly changed attended by the
shout of the archangel and rejoicing in this event and what is described as
the trumpet of God. When this occurs all over the world, Christians will be
instantly resurrected and living Christians will be instantly changed
according to I Corinthians 15:51-53. After being caught up from the earth,
they will go to the Father's house as indicated in John 14:3. In answer to the
Thessalonian's questions, they will not have to wait for their loved ones to
be resurrected as it will occur a moment before their translation. The promise
is that after this, they will be with the Lord forever wherever He is, whether
on earth, the millennial earth, or the new heaven and new earth. The message
is intended to be a comfort and an encouragement to the Thessalonians who
were facing the loss of their loved ones.
It should be noted that there is not a word here about any intervening event.
The Thessalonians are not told that they have to go through the Tribulation
first before they will see their loved ones. Here as in all the passages on the
Rapture, there is implication that the Rapture could occur any day. As far as
Scripture revelation is concerned, there are no intervening events. This
coincides with the pre-Tribulation Rapture but does not make room for the
post-Tribulation view or other views.
The question remains as to how soon the Rapture will occur. After all, almost
two thousand years have passed since this prophecy was given. How does a
believer know that there will not be many more years before the Rapture is
The Timing of the Rapture
Many attempts have been made to date the Rapture and all of them have
been false because the Bible does not give this information. However, there
are indications that the Rapture could occur very soon. This seems to be a
contradiction, because if the Rapture has no signs, how can one say that
there are signs of the Rapture approaching.
The answer is found in the sequence of chronological events that occur
before the Second Coming. If prophecy is taken literally, the
Bible describes in detail exactly what the world situation will be at the
Rapture and how events will unfold that finally climax in the Second Coming.
These events can be stated in order.
At the time of the Rapture, there apparently will be a revival of the ancient
Roman Empire that was in power when Christ was on earth. Today that
empire is dead and gone but the Scriptures imply that there will be a
resurrection of this empire in the end time. This is indicated in Daniel 7:7-8
where the ten horns of the beast represent ten kingdoms according to Daniel
7:25, and apparently anticipates that there will be revival of the Roman Empire
in the form of ten countries. Under these circumstances, it is very significant
that developments in the world today seem to pave the way for this. When
these ten nations get together in a voluntary political union, a dictator will
arise who will conquer three as indicated in Daniel 7:8 where the little horn,
the ruler, uproots three of the ten horns representing conquering three
countries. From then on, the Scriptures regard him as the ruler of all ten
nations. From this position of power, he is able to attempt to solve the major
problem of the Middle East, namely the place of Israel.
According to Daniel 9:24-27, Israel's total prophetic history is embraced in
490 years, the last 7 years of which have never been fulfilled. A reasonable
explanation is that this ruler will impose a covenant on Israel for 7 years
offered as a covenant of peace. According to Daniel 9:27, it will be observed
for three and one-half years and then will be broken and a time of desecration
and destruction follow. This coincides with prophecies in the Book of
Revelation that there will be 42 months of Great Tribulation (Rev. 7:14, 13:5), a title which Daniel, Christ, and the Book of Revelation give this final three and
one-half years leading up to the second coming of Christ (Dan. 12:1; Matt.
24:21; Rev. 7:14). In this period, the dictator of the ten nations becomes a
world ruler dominated by Satan (Rev. 13:7) and reveals his own atheistic
background as he claims to be God himself (2 Thess. 2:4). Because he tries to
eliminate from the world all who would not recognize him, God pours out the
terrible judgments described in the Book of Revelation, and the world is
decimated in its human population and destroyed in its physical properties
leading up to the second coming of Christ. Christ himself said in Matthew 24
that if He did not terminate the process of the Great Tribulation, there will be
no people left (Matt. 24:22).
In summary, the events are as follows: the revival of the Roman Empire
approximately at the time of the Rapture, emergence of a ruler
who conquers the first three, and then all ten countries, the imposition of a
seven-year covenant upon Israel according to Daniel 9:27, the observance of
a peace treaty for the first half of the seven years, the breaking of the treaty
at the time of the Great Tribulation, the last half in which a world ruler would
take over dominated by Satan, the terrible judgments of the Tribulation time
both from God and from the world ruler, and then the second coming of
When this sequence of events is clearly understood, the fact that Europe is
at peace today becomes tremendously significant. For centuries, the major
nations of Europe have fought each other and when each war ended, they
would start arming for the next. This was true for hundreds of years up to the
time of the Second World War. At the conclusion of the Second World War
however, a strange change took place. Due to the atomic bomb, it was
recognized that if another war broke out, each 'Side would be able to destroy
the other which would not make the war profitable. Accordingly, they
abandoned efforts to fight each other and adopted a friendly stance where
the common market was made possible and today Europe is an economic unit
with more than ten nations involved. While this unification of Europe
economically is not the political union which the Bible predicts, it is
obviously the soil in which such a political union could take place. Even the
secular press frequently refers to the possibility of the United States of
Europe uniting Europe in a political union. Because this is precisely what
would happen if the ten nations of the Roman Empire were revived, it makes
it clear that we are now for the first time precisely at the moment in history
where the Roman Empire could be revived and if this is connected with the
rapture of the Church, it also helps us to date it.
Probably a sensible conclusion is that while the date of the Rapture is not
revealed, for the first time, we have some solid evidence that the Rapture
could be very soon. This leads to practical conclusions about what we
Christians should do in the light of these prophesied events.
Are We Ready for the Rapture?
The reason Christians should be watching for the Rapture rather than the
Second Coming is that the Second Coming is not imminent but the Rapture
is. If Christ may come any day and Christians who have died will be
resurrected and living Christians changed, it obviously puts a challenge
before those who are living today to make every day count for Christ. In
other words, our opportunities should
be maximized in doing the things that we want to do if Christ were coming
very soon.
There is no ground in Scripture for frantic efforts, but obviously the first
question is are we ready in the sense of are we born again for only Christians
who are born again and part of God's family will be raptured. They have to be
in Christ by the baptism of the Spirit which occurs at the moment of their
faith in Christ. Undoubtedly, many church members will be left behind who
fell short of a vital, personal relationship to Jesus Christ.
A second, very practical lesson is that we should be concerned about those
around us who are not Christians whether they are loved ones or strangers.
Christians should get behind every effort to win people for Christ and they
should be engaged in personal evangelism and prayer for the lost,
supporting the church and evangelistic efforts in trying to win others to
Christ. Certainly, this is a crucial time in history if the Rapture could be very
It should be noted that the Bible does not outline frantic or extreme efforts in
preparation for the Lord's return. The Bible does not indicate that Christians
should give all their money away as some have tried to do who have dated
the Rapture. Instead, however, Christians should be wise stewards giving as
much as they can because obviously if the Rapture occurs, they will leave
behind whatever physical wealth they have. It is also obvious that we have
many opportunities for service for God in recognition of His plan and
program and we should order our lives especially as they are related to
eternal values, things that will really count as we stand before Christ, the
judgment seat of rewards, which the Bible describes as following the
Rapture. Accordingly, we watch because it could be soon but watching is
not enough. We must be serving and making the most of our remaining time.